Art and Drawing termly courses six weeks

Tutor: Genevieve Loxton

Cost: £115.00

  Suitable for Beginners and Improvers

  Materials available to purchase in our student shop at very reasonable prices. You will require an A3 sketchbook and artists pencils, charcoal and putty rubber as a basic set. We can supply these if required for your convenience..

  2 Hours

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Course Details

Whether you’re an avid sketcher or you haven’t picked up a pencil in years we aim to make our drawing courses work for you. With a wealth of ideas and techniques to explore you will enjoy an enriched understanding and experience of Fine Art through drawing. Each session will help you engage in traditional and experimental drawing methods designed to introduce a new way of ‘seeing.’

You will learn processes to help you develop your own expressive style, encouraging you to take a fresh view of drawing. You will be enabled to consider the work of a wide variety of artists and art movements, to inspire and inform your work with different media and surfaces. Guidance on materials will be given from the outset and materials are available to purchase at reasonable student prices at The Art Workshop.

Courses run on Tuesdays at 10am-12pm or Saturdays at 10.30am-12.30pm throughout the year during term time.

A zoom option is available to join this course for the term from home, please enquire for details.