Experimental Acrylics termly courses six weeks

Tutor: Petra Couper

Cost: £130.00

  Suitable for Beginners and Improvers

  Materials are required, and available to purchase from our student shop for your convenience. Everything for your first class will be supplied, and details of what you need to equip yourself for the course.

  2.5 Hours

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Course Details

With Petra Couper. A creative exploration of this versatile paint medium incorporating contemporary and traditional techniques. Suitable for beginners and the more experienced. You’ll learn colour theory, mark making and composition, with relevant examples and discussion of artists and their work of all styles and the ideas that underpin great paintings. Every term explores a new theme. You’ll be encouraged to experiment and develop confidence in handling this versatile, water-based medium which has its own unique properties, and also has the rich vibrant properties of oil painting or provides the transparency and delicacy of watercolours. Acrylics courses run on Mondays at 10am-12.30pm or Tuesdays at 6.30pm-8.30pm, during term time throughout the year. You can also join weekend workshops on selected Saturday afternoons which give you opportunities to try Acrylics or learn about a specific technique, for example look out for Petra’s popular Colour Theory weekend Workshops.