Oil Painting termly courses six weeks

Tutor: Genevieve Loxton

Cost: £129.00

  Suitable for Beginners and Improvers

  Materials provided for your first class with list of required items. All products available to purchase at reasonable student prices in our studio shop, or you can source your own.

  2.5 Hours

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Course Details

Discover this versatile medium, a favourite of professional painters. These supportive group sessions provide a structured approach to handling your oil paints, to enable you to become more confident and expressive with paint and to gain an understanding of fundamentals such as colour and composition, so you can develop your own unique style. You’ll also be introduced to some relevant art history and art appreciation, to provide a richer context for your learning.

Classes run on Fridays throughout the year during term time at either 10am-12.30pm, or 2pm-4.30pm. Every term covers a new theme in Art, although you are welcome to work on your own projects if preferred. Suitable for beginners and improvers. Sessions do not include materials but we’ll advise you on how to become equipped, and our materials shop stocks everything you need at reasonable student prices.

We also offer Introductory workshops on selected Saturdays during the year, a three-hour class with materials included.

With Genevieve Loxton